两周前开始,免费域名服务商 Freenom 再次大规模回收用户的免费域名。户事先并未获得任何通知,导致许多人直到尝试访问自己的网站时才发觉域名已无法使用。在后台,这些免费域名的状态显示为“Pending”。截至目前,Freenom 未就回收免费域名的具体原由向公众作出官方解释。
标题: issue of unexpected Domain Status Change to Pending
Hello Madame / Sir
I recently meet an issue of my domains, their status has unexpectedly changed to ‘Pending’.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly share with me this sudden change ?
– is there any specific reason by my side which which cause this change ?
– what’s my action needed to restore my domain to its previous operational state ?
– if no action needed by my side could you help to resolve this issue ?
– If there is an ongoing process, how long is it expected to take before the issue resolved ?
Thank you very much to support me for this issue resolve, I look forward to your timely response.
一个工作日的样子,会收到freenom发来的邮件,然后域名重新解锁,有效期为9年,但是9年后呢 ? 还是那句话,免费的就是最贵的~! 大家且用且珍惜~!!

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